Baroness Mary Vetsera

Baroness Marie Alexandrine von Vetsera was a member of Austrian second society and one of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austrias mistresses. Vetsera and Rudolf were found dead, an apparent murder suicide, at his hunting lodge, Mayerling .

Viennese society had, since the days of Austrias eclipse at Sadowa, sought to conceal the injured patriotic emotions born of that disaster by affecting a hysterical sort of gaiety which was somewhat foreign to the real character of the people ... like all forced characteristics, the newfound frivolity of the Viennese degenerated quickly into a positive mania for wickedness, without, at the same time, taking on any of the picturesque artistry which conceals and often condones the refined viciousness of Parisians ... who, also, after 1870, went through for many years a phase of social madness similar to that which affected Austria. ... Viennese society was probably the most dissipated in Europe, and so became a happy mart for ladies of that type that serves the foibles of a prince.

Source: Wikipedia